Bay Area Caregivers Get $373,471 in Back Pay After Unfair Treatment by Agency

In a victory for workers’ rights, the U.S. Department of Labor has successfully recovered $373,471 in back wages and damages for 23 caregivers in the Bay Area. An investigation revealed that Creative Living Solutions Inc., a staffing agency based in Union City, denied overtime wages to its employees, some of whom toiled for 12 to 16 hours a day.

The caregivers, who provide essential services to older adults and individuals with disabilities, were being paid straight-time rates for all hours worked, including overtime hours. This unlawful practice meant that the company failed to compensate them with the required time-and-a-half overtime rates for hours exceeding 40 in a workweek, thereby violating the Fair Labor Standards Act.

The Wage and Hour Division of the U.S. Department of Labor conducted the investigation and uncovered the wrongdoing on the Bay Area caregivers back pay issue. Upon facing the division’s findings, Creative Living Solutions Inc. and its owner, Nafisa Mohseni, acknowledged their violations and agreed to pay the back wages owed to the workers. They have also taken steps to rectify their pay practices to avoid future FLSA violations.

The victory for the caregivers doesn’t end with just back wages. In addition to recovering $186,735 in unpaid wages, they were also granted an equal amount in liquidated damages as compensation for the hardships they endured. Furthermore, due to the willful nature of the violations, the employer was slapped with $17,227 in civil money penalties.

Workers who face similar issues with their employers, where they are denied rightful compensation for their hard work, can take inspiration from this success story. If you believe your employer has violated your rights and denied you fair wages, it is essential to seek help and take action.

If you are in California and have grievances against your employer with regard to wage and hour violations, Labor Law Advocates is here to assist you in filing a claim for financial compensation. Our team of dedicated legal experts understands the importance of upholding workers’ rights and will fight to ensure you receive the justice you deserve.

Don’t let your employer take advantage of your hard work. Contact Labor Law Advocates today and take the first step towards securing your rightful compensation. Your rights matter, and we are here to protect them.

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