The Office of the Labor Commissioner and the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office Join Forces to Combat Wage Theft on Catalina Island 

Los Angeles, California – The Office of the Labor Commissioner has partnered with the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office to bring justice against two business owners on Catalina Island, off the coast of Los Angeles.

The owners, Jack Tucey and Yueh Mei “Nora” Tucey, face charges of grand theft of labor, conspiracy to commit grand theft of labor, and unemployment insurance fraud.

The total amount of wages owed to the affected individuals, totaling $1,032,684, encompasses unpaid wages from July 2008 to October 15, 2022. The investigation revealed the use of sophisticated methods in a fraudulent scheme, including paying wages below the legal minimum and denying essential labor protections.

The owners employed tactics to evade proper payment to workers, demanding them to sign for fewer hours worked and performing unpaid labor outside working hours. Furthermore, it was discovered that workers were paid for overtime at a reduced rate, using aliases to conceal these hours worked.

Most of the affected workers were also tenants of the Tuceys on Catalina Island, where the owners operated multiple businesses, including El Galleon Restaurant, Mi Casita Authentic Mexican Restaurant, Antonio’s Pizzeria & Cabaret, Original Antonio’s Pizzeria, Food Brokers International, Catalina Hotel, Catalina Courtyard Hotel, and Original Jack’s Restaurant and Bakery.

The California Labor Commissioner’s Office’s Division of Labor Standards Enforcement is committed to combating wage theft and unfair competition. In line with this goal, the Office launched an interdisciplinary outreach campaign in 2020, known as “Reaching All Californians,” to amplify labor protections and provide information on Labor Commissioner compliance procedures.

If you or someone you know is facing labor violations such as wage theft, discrimination, retaliation, etc., do not hesitate to contact Labor Law Advocates. Our expert labor attorneys can guide you and provide the necessary legal counsel to pursue a case against your employer and those engaged in these unfair practices.

Call us anytime for a free and 100% confidential consultation.

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