San Jose Flooring Mogul Faces Jail Time For Withholding Overtime Wages

A shocking revelation in San Jose has the owner of All Bay Floor facing jail time after being found guilty of withholding a staggering $1 million in overtime wages from workers. On top of this wage violation, the Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office announced that the owner manipulated his payroll, minimizing worker’s compensation premiums.

Following his guilty plea over withholding overtime wages, the court slapped him with a four-month jail sentence, a hefty fine of $580,000, and mandated 200 hours of community service.

District Attorney Jeff Rosen conveyed a stern warning about the cost of deceit: “Fraud doesn’t pay. Whatever perceived short-term gains exist will be dwarfed by long-term repercussions.”

The investigation was initiated when an insurance audit exposed discrepancies between the recorded payroll and the actual number of employees. Further probes revealed that 18 workers weren’t compensated with the legally required overtime rates, with one individual being shortchanged by an astonishing $60,000. It’s believed that more workers might come forward, potentially raising the unpaid wage total to $1.7 million.

If you suspect your employer isn’t playing by the rules, don’t stay silent. Contact Labor Law Advocates immediately to ensure your rights are protected and upheld. With years of experience, our team is prepared to advocate for you and help ensure justice. Don’t let fraud be rewarded — speak up today. Call us for a free consultation. 

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